Thursday, August 5, 2010

Last Wednesday

Last Wednesday (as in a week ago since I can never post things as they happen) was one of the most productive days of the summer. It was a perfect caffeine/forgetting to eat day. I just really enjoy being absorbed in making art to the point that I get annoyed when I realize I have to stop and do things such as eating. Seriously, food and sleep just get in the way of things. These are the days I make the most progress; days that my mind and body are completely 100% captivated. I got a good portion of the window finished and I'm really happy with how the shadows turned out!

Work of Art: The Next Great Artist was on that night so I decided to treat myself to some wine and I continued to draw with the T.V. on in the background. I haven't seen many episodes so I'm a little behind. It's definitely entertaining. Having it on in the background when I was drawing was interesting. I was listening to artists talk about art as I was making art.

Working for shorter periods of time is really annoying. I find that I'm taking a lot of quick breaks that turn into longer breaks. There are too many distractions at home. In the studio I just had to walk around the art building for a minute when I needed a break and I was right back to focusing on my work. I'm thinking that a good way of fixing this would be using my ipod instead of itunes... that way the temptation that is facebook and the internet won't be an arms reach away.

The reason for last week's productivity is that I had been ignoring the real world. The thing is, when you say screw reality it usually comes back to bite you in the ass (and there's no getting around facing it). I think I can continue to put things off for a while but it's subconsciously making me anxious. Somebody needs to teach me better time management... and how to become more of a morning person.

It's just frustrating that I have so many things I want to do. I'm not stuck with my art. The charcoal drawings have been a huge breakthrough in terms of my perceptions of my art. I know they are going to influence my pencil drawings and I still have this nagging urge to paint. Why does this have to occur when I'm done with school and can't dedicate all of my time to art making? I guess I should be happy I'm so inspired... I could've graduated and had no clue where to start.

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