Thursday, August 5, 2010

Spiders and Charcoal

These photographs of the drawing I'm working on connect with that earlier post about Time and Light so I'm not going to be even more redundant than I already am. Go back and re-read that post it explains these photographs.

I totally blame my lack of efficiency this past week on a spider. I jumped to conclusions when I thought the tiny spider I killed last Sunday was a brown recluse. I was about to leave the house and get things checked off my to do list but I ended up spending two hours looking up spiders on the internet which freaked me out even more. I wouldn't admit this if I didn't think it seemed so entertaining; I am neurotic enough that I slept with my glasses on and a flashlight and heavy book next to my bed that night. In my defense I was on the hunt for palmetto bugs as well. They like to slip under my back door when it rains. I'm still not use to Florida bugs ick. I put paper towels in front of the bottom of the door. This is a problem though because I'm now afraid to go out on my back porch where my washer and dryer are and I have a pile of laundry that needs to get done. Stupid spider.

On to way more important things. I had some more realizations about my work process. Because I make these charcoal drawings by shading in the value and then smudging parts, it's even harder for me to finish the drawing. I find myself wanting to leave stuff untouched once I shade in values. Every slight change in the drawing is something only I experience and I think that's part of the beauty of the process of these things. It's not the finished product that drives me but the difficulty I have NOT leaving stuff unfinished if that even makes any sense. And all of that becomes part of the overall concepts of these drawings. On a certain level these drawings are simply ABOUT drawing; about the beautiful relationship of charcoal and paper.

1 comment:

SKIZO said...
